
Kellington Primary School is an Academy and part of the STAR Multi Academy Trust.  The school follows the admission arrangements published by North Yorkshire County Council (The Admissions Authority).

It is very important when choosing a school to look around and have the opportunity to ask questions which are important to you and your child.  We warmly encourage such visits and parents/carers wishing to visit our school are invited to telephone the school office to arrange a suitable time.


All admissions to the school are processed through North Yorkshire County Council's admissions office.  Parents can fill out an online form on the North Yorkshire County Council website (link at the bottom of this page) or download a guidance sheet (below).  If you wish to contact the admissions office, their contact number is 01609 533679.


The North Yorkshire County Council website provides the latest advice on this year's key dates and admission procedures, lists the order of priority for admissions and answers frequently asked questions on the admissions process.  Parents who require support with the admissions procedure are asked to contact the school office.


Apply for a place online by clicking here.


View the North Yorkshire County Council Admissions Policy, which applies to this school, by clicking here.



Further Information
If you need any support in accessing school admissions please contact our school office, who can help guide you through the process.

Our school PAN (published admission number) for the following years:

2023/24: 15

2024/25: 15

2025/26: 15

Star MAT Admissions Policy 2023/24

Star MAT Admissions Policy 2024/25

Star MAT Admissions Policy 2025/26


The Published Admission Number (PAN) for every year group into which pupils can be admitted, including Year 12 when there is a 6th form. The PAN is the maximum number of pupils that the admission authority will admit to each year group.

Further STAR MAT Admissions information

If you live in North Yorkshire, application for main school places can be found here:  

If you do not live in North Yorkshire, you must apply for our school by completing the application form for your home authority.


Consultation on The STAR Multi Academy Trust schools’ admission arrangements 2026/27

Schools have a statutory duty to consult on admission arrangements every 7 years or when making changes to their admission arrangements.


The STAR Multi Academy Trust is consulting on the admission arrangements for all its schools for the 2026-27 school year.  The consultation opens on 02 December 2024 and closes on 28 January 2025. 


During this period, the views of parents/carers, schools, staff, neighbouring authorities and other interested parties are being sought.


Following this period of consultation, the admission arrangements will be considered by the Trust Board alongside any comments made. The admission arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2025.


Proposed Admission Arrangements for 2026/27

Please see for further details and to submit any comments. Paper copies of the arrangements can be requested from Rachel Greenhalgh at


Please see below for the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) of all The STAR MAT schools:

School Determined Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for 2025/26 Proposed PAN for 2026/27
Appleton Roebuck Primary 15 15
Brayton CE Primary 60 60
Kellington Primary 15 15
Kirk Fenton CE Primary 30 30
Monk Fryston CE Primary 30 30
Riverside Primary 45 45
Saxton CE Primary 10 10
Sherburn High School 170 into Year 7 / 100 into Year 12 190 into Year 7 / 100 into Year 12
Sherburn Hungate Primary 60 60
South Milford Primary 30 30
Tadcaster Grammar School 262 into Year 7 / 180 into Year 12 262 into Year 7 / 180 into Year 12


The consultation closes on 28 January 2025.