Why we do what we do
At Kellington Primary school we understand that children have an extraordinary capacity to learn. We know that our children not only begin school with different starting points and backgrounds but are often likely to progress at different rates and need different support and experiences in order to fulfil their potential and have the best start in life. With this in mind we have deliberately designed our curriculum so that it builds from what children already know and can do, ensuring they all have a firm foundation on which to build.
We know that if we can provide our youngest children with opportunities to develop their language and communication, their basic number, reading and writing skills and a general knowledge that will help them to understand and be excited about the world around them then this will have a lasting and positive impact on the journey through the rest of their lives. This is a priority for us.
We are relentless in our drive to ensure our curriculum is not burdensome. We are clear about what we want our children to learn. It is well thought through and planned. We know that our most vulnerable children benefit from more opportunities to interact with adults; we ensure this is incorporated into our plans. We prioritise our interactions with the most vulnerable and those that need support with CLL.
We also focus on ensuring children develop physically, socially and emotionally in order to support both their learning and well-being.
The EYFS Framework
Sets the standards that all early year’s providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well.
Ensures children are kept healthy and safe.
Ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.
The Characteristics of Effective Learning
The three characteristics of effective learning describe the behaviours children use in order to learn.
- Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and build the resilience to ‘have a go’
- Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achieving
- Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
The Areas of Learning and Development
The three prime areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships, and thriving, underpinning the specific areas of learning.
The Prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
There are four specific areas through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Phonics at Kellington Primary School
Please visit the phonics page of our website for more information
Curriculum coverage for EYFS
Please click here for the long term plan for EYFS
How we do it
In the Early Years, our curriculum is mapped out with key themed half terms and special weeks to inspire our children and widen their experiences of the world around them. These themes will include marvellous me, celebrations around the world, fairy tales and superheroes and how does your garden grow?
Our environment
We recognised that both play-based learning and direct instruction have value for teaching young children. Our carefully designed continuous provision provides children with the opportunity to investigate and apply their taught learning in our stimulating indoor and outdoor environments.
Our adults
Our well trained, skilful adults interact with children during planned and child-initiated play and activities. They model language, showing, explaining and exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling and providing a narrative for what children are doing whilst setting challenges and helping children to achieve them. Opportunities for repetition and practice are interwoven into our days, as are our familiar class routines.
Our partnerships
At Kellington Primary School, we understand that parental partnership is paramount to enabling our wonderful young people. We know that as a team, we can work together to create an extended school family within which our young people can flourish. Communication with parents is facilitated through parent open-sessions, online learning journeys and updates via Tapestry and daily conversations. We run practical sessions throughout the year to help parents and carers support their young people at home. This includes an introduction to the ‘Read Write Inc’ programme in Reception to support our priority of early reading, language and communication.
At Kellington Primary School, we pride ourselves on our inclusivity and recognise the unique practice of nurturing the learning of young children with specific needs, including speech, language and communication difficulties. We are aware of the importance of early intervention for children facing specific developmental/learning challenges. Our experienced SENCo, Thrive practitioners and relationships with external agents help us to gain timely and effective support for our young people to enable them to flourish.
The result of what we do
Children leaving our Reception year have a secure understanding of basic numbers, reading and writing skills and a general knowledge that will help them to understand and be excited about the world around them. They will have encountered a wealth of well-chosen texts and had opportunities to write in different contexts. Early reading skills are well established through discrete phonics and story sessions, designed to develop a love of reading in preparation for KS1. Most importantly, our children will have resilience, integrity, respect and kindness.