
Reading at Kellington Primary School
Reading is one of the most important skills your child will learn during their time at school. Reading, listening to and talking about stories, non-fiction and poetry develops children’s vocabulary because they meet words they would rarely hear or use in everyday speech. Understanding vocabulary is vital for comprehension and also for wider learning and progress across the entire curriculum.
We recognise that being able to read is a key skill for life for all children and we believe that every child can learn to read with the right teaching and support.
Our aim is that every child leaves Kellington Primary School as a confident, fluent reader who loves reading and has a reading age that
at least matches their chronological age. We use a range of strategies, in addition to phonics, such as a variety of decoding methods, teaching high frequency words through sight recognition, discussion through picture books and through a whole class guided reading approach.

From Reception to Year 2, the mechanics of reading are taught using Read, Write, Inc and a love of reading is fostered through our daily ‘Magic of Story’ sessions. Across the week, a focus text is shared with the children with varying foci to support their language acquisition, comprehension and expression.

In KS2, class novels are used to teach reading as well as a range of non-fiction texts. These texts are carefully chosen and planned for to ensure there is progression and challenge across the school. Year 3 to Year 6 children are taught through a whole class reading approach. Children have focussed guided reading sessions that supports the development of their reading fluency alongside the reading domains. Comprehension activities are both verbal and written within these sessions.

At Kellington Primary School, we aim to develop a love of reading, so children are encouraged to read for pleasure at home and at school. We prioritise daily story time to further foster the children’s love of reading. Teachers read a variety of high-quality texts to the children on a regular basis.