Class 2- Year 1 and Year 2

Meet the Class 2 team


Ms Sarah Wiles
Class Teacher (Monday-Tuesday)
Mrs Sarah Osman
Mrs Laura Wordley
Miss Jordan Hammill
Mrs Laura Sutcliffe
Welcome to Class 2!

We are a mixed Year 1 and 2 class with a thirst for learning and a spring in our steps!
In Class 2 we have an exciting environment in order for our children to continue to build relationships with others, develop positive attitudes and behaviours for learning, enhance their team building skills and individual resilience.

Year 1 and 2 are taught in daily lessons as a class and in groups. When not in teacher -led learning, the children have opportunities to engage with the continuous provision areas as well as directing their own learning towards the 5 weekly class challenges. It is wonderful to see the children celebrating each other's successes when the challenge bell has been rung!


In Class 2 we have a jam-packed curriculum to explore this year!

All of our children access a daily RWI phonics or guided reading group. Within these sessions, the children practise their reading, understanding and application of these skills in simple spelling and sentence level learning.

In English we use ‘Talk for Writing’ to deliver exciting content where children can develop and use a rich bank of vocabulary, rehearse and perform stories and text which sparks their imagination. This will give them the ability to write their own simple stories and reports using the skills taught. We also ensure the children have a ‘Magic of Story’ session daily. This is class story time where the children will spend a period of time listening to the same story with different focuses including vocabulary, discussions of characters, patterns in similar stories and verbal comprehension skills.

At Kellington, we use the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme which covers all the areas of the National Curriculum through a range of fun activities, using a variety of practical and pictorial resources. This will give the children the basic maths skills needed to apply what they have learned to any situation through number, calculations, money, shape and time. Following on from this, they will then be able to deepen and demonstrate their new knowledge through different problems and reasoning activities.

In science, we will be exploring, experimenting and developing our curiosity about the world around us through two main themes. The first theme is ‘Materials’ - the properties of different materials and compare the suitability of materials for objects.   They will also find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.  The second theme this year will be ‘Living things and their habitats’.  We will study different types of habitats and identify that most living things live in habitats and describe how different habitats provide the basic needs for different kinds of animals and plants.

For further information on our half termly curriculum coverage, please see the linked website plans.


Children will bring home a new phonics reading book home every Friday to be read to you. A comment about the reading needs to be written in their reading record as this will count towards their reading reward (Fab 50) in school. Please ensure your child reads this at least 3-4 times per week.
Numbots - We strongly recommend that children also practise Numbots – as regularly as possible. We advise little and often, ideally 5 minutes per day.
Reading for Pleasure - our children get to visit the library to select a new story book fortnightly. This is for the children to enjoy listening to, not to be read by them - unless they’d like to give them a go! This could be listened to at home along with other books of their choosing.

PE Days

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their kit on these days and everything is named.


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