Class 3- Year 3 and Year 4

Meet the Class 3 Team

Mrs Amy Reynolds

Miss Isobel Hardaker

Miss Jordan Hammill

Mrs Kath Newton 


We are proud to be Class 3! We are a group of incredible Year 3 and Year 4 children who enjoy being active, being creative and try our best so we shine brightly. Our class principles are based on ‘The Kellington Way’, where children are encouraged daily to take ownership of themselves, work as a team and ensure that everyone is safe, happy and respected. Please have a look on the school’s Facebook page to see us in action!


In class 3, we have an exciting curriculum planned to expand, strengthen and develop the children's knowledge.

Within English, we use Talk for Writing, to allow children to become experts in their verbal sentence structure and then into their writing. Children will follow the teaching structures of Pie Corbert, to expand their knowledge surrounding their vocabulary and sentence structure to enhance their writing abilities. The key phases of Talk for Writing enables children to imitate orally the language they need for a specific genre, engages them in specific teaching to support their vocabulary, grammar and sentence level development and this collectively supports their abilities to write creatively, imaginatively and powerfully.

In Maths, we follow ‘White Rose’ scheme of learning which is designed to strengthen the children's knowledge surrounding mathematical concepts, proving that anyone can do maths! White Rose Maths materials meet all of the requirements of the National Curriculum whilst making maths fun, collaborative and allowing children to explore a range of topics from money, shape and multiplication including deepening their understanding by applying their knowledge in more abstract ways.

This year, the children will be scientists who investigate, question, discuss and record their ideas and observations within their science lessons. Initially, the children will be putting on their lab coats to investigate magnets and the forces they create through practical activities. They will then move onto ‘animals including humans’ where they will be looking at various habitats and the difference between their home and where a fox may live!

In Geography children will be diving deep into exploring the journey of a river, comparing them to the structure of canals. Moving up high into mountains and hills before learning all about natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes!

Within History this year, children will be time travelling back to Prehistoric Britain, to investigate and explore life before AD 43. After this, children will be packing their bags and heading over to Ancient Egypt, where they will discover ancient writing such as hieroglyphics and how to mummify someone!

We will be growing as artists taking inspiration from artists such as Georgia O’Keefe, Henri Matisse and even Egyptian art. We will be creating masterpieces, focusing on developing our techniques to help us become the next ‘Picasso’.

Music follows our Charanga scheme where learning is focused on developing musical abilities and understanding to allow children to be able to write music, play in a band and have their own solos. I hope you're ready to hear the lovely tunes the children will be developing over the upcoming year.

Please do look at the half termly website plans for more information about what aspects of the subjects we will be covering at different times in the year.


We set homework each Friday.

This will be set on Google classroom and will include:

  • TTRS/Numbots - We strongly recommend that children also practise Times Tables RockStars/Numbots - as regularly as possible please.
  • Reading to an adult and discussing our school books (minimum 3-4 times per week).
  • Spellings. These will be games and practise materials from the learning the children have undertaken within their spelling sessions in the classroom each week. The children will not be formally tested on these.

Children will be reading daily within school, this includes:

  • Children will have daily guided reading sessions or phonics sessions using Read Write Inc.
  • Library visit every fortnight (reading for pleasure).
  • Children will also have a story session for the last part of each day (The Magic of Story), where the children will listen to the class chosen text, discuss vocabulary and simply enjoy this time to imagine and get transported to another world.

At home we ask that children can read with their children for a minimum of 3-4 times per week where we ask adults to fill in their reading record accordingly. We encourage children to read as frequently as possible, with it being tracked within their reading record so children can become part of our ‘Fab 50’, where children are able to win an amazing book from our selection.

PE Days

Our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday.

Please ensure your children have their PE kits in school all week in case these days change.

Mrs A Reynolds