Class 1- Nursery and Reception

Welcome to Class 1 - we are the Nursery and Reception children here at Kellington Primary School! 

In the Early Years, our curriculum is mapped out with key themed half terms and special weeks to inspire our children and widen their experiences of the world around them. These themes will include marvellous me, celebrations around the world, fairy tales and superheroes and how does your garden grow?

Our day starts at 8:45am when the doors open and children are collected either at 11:45am or 3:15pm depending on the sessions they are attending. 

Our teaching tools:

This year the Nursery and Reception children will be following the White Rose Scheme for maths where we will cover a variety of foundational skills - such as number rhymes, number recognition, spotting patterns and deepening our understanding of numbers to 5, 10 and beyond.


For English, we will be following ‘Talk 4 Writing’ and ‘Magic of Story’ where we will be introduced to new books each week. These sessions will focus on developing a love of reading, vocabulary, story structure and how we can alter stories to make them our own.


Phonics is taught using Read, Write, Inc. Children in Reception read every day within their phonics lessons. There is a link to further phonics information at the bottom of this page. 

Reading for Pleasure - All of our children access our school library on a fortnightly rotation where they select a book that is appealing to them. They are not expected to read this book - this is for them to listen to, discuss with you and enjoy alongside any other books you may wish to share with them.


Please see our website plans for more information for each half term’s coverage.

For our Reception children we set home learning weekly on Tapestry and this will include:

  • Numbots - this is an online platform which promotes developing understanding of counting, place value and addition and subtraction. Through games, the children not only develop these skills but also build up their fluency when answering questions.
  • Phonics - Individualised phonics sheets and books, which are matched to the pupil’s level, will be sent home for children to practise their sounding out and blending of words. Please practise this with your child little and often - we recommend a daily 5 minute practice.
  • Reading of RWI phonics book daily (at home)- Please note this in your child's reading record with the date and a comment.Reading for pleasure of books of their choice- adults can also read to children.


PE Days
Our PE day is Friday just for the Reception children. 


PE clothes: white t-shirt, black PE shorts, black tracksuit for winter months and pair of trainers/plimsolls

How you can support your child at home:

We encourage you to support your child’s development and confidence in becoming increasingly independent with some key activities to better prepare them for joining Class 1.  This could include:

  • Supporting their independence in toileting and washing their hands
  • Eating with a knife and fork and opening items within a lunch box
  • Getting themselves dress - putting on their clothes, shoes and coats
  • Listening to stories 
  • Practising conversations: talking together about their homes, families and the world around them. An example of this could be talking about numbers you notice on doors as you go for a walk.
  • Having play dates with other children to support their social skills
  • Encouraging sharing and tolerance
  • Practise recognising their name
  • Developing fine motor control by building hand strength: threading beads, stacking bricks or using scissors can help develop this skill
    Playing together to develop concentration


Useful Websites
Here are a couple of websites we use with the children in their learning and in provision. These offer a range of videos to watch and activities to join in with to promote their phonics and maths skills.

Nursery Places

In our setting, our Nursery children are part of our wider Early Years classroom which comprises Nursery 1, Nursery 2 and Reception aged children - 3, 4 and 5 year olds. 


Please visit our Early Years and Class page to learn more about our wonderful Nursery and Reception class and  please come and visit our  school to see what we do, you will be warmly welcomed.

All you need to know about how to join our school:

Please read the following information carefully as this section clarifies our admissions procedures.

At Kellington Primary School, we offer up to 30 hours funded places for children from the term after their 3rd birthday. Start dates for nursery are September/January/April of any year and dependent upon availability of places. We have 24 nursery places available. 

As nursery provision is non-statutory, the school’s decision to admit a child to nursery and their allocation of hours will be final. There is no formal right of appeal. Offers of a nursery place will always be made in writing.


If we are oversubscribed, we allocate children according to the following priorities:

  • If they are a sibling of a child / children in our school
  • Children who live in our local area
  • Children who are likely to able be admitted by the Local Authority to our Reception


Please note that attending our Nursery does not guarantee you a place in our school.  Admissions to Primary School in the September following your child’s 4th birthday is governed by North Yorkshire Council Children’s Services and not school. You therefore need to apply for a place in Reception through the local authority primary school application portal. 


If you would like any support with your application, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Ahead of starting at Kellington, our Nursery staff will get to know your child and yourselves through offering drop-in sessions and a home visit. This offers wonderful opportunities to build initial relationships, explore their new school setting and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions. 



15 hour, 3 year old entitlement is offered through either morning, afternoon or full school day sessions each week. If you require extended care beyond fifteen hours during the school day, or wish for your child to stay for lunch, then please contact the school office for more details. 


Our Nursery sessions run from 8.45 to 11.45am and from 12.15 to 3.15pm. We offer children the opportunity to stay for lunch for a small fee. This includes the choice of a freshly prepared school dinner, jacket potato or sandwich. 



We can offer 30 hour places to those families who have an eligibility code. We only offer this over 4.5 school days, term time only. The additional ½ day session is also available at an additional cost. 


We are unable to split the 30 hours with any other provider and child care before and after school will not be included as part of the funded hours.


Our school’s Breakfast Club runs from 8.00am-8:45am and will be available if there are places at an additional cost. Our Breakfast Club, which accommodates children across the whole of school, is extremely popular and is often over-subscribed; please ensure you book ahead to ensure your child’s place.


To make an enquiry or to apply for a place at our nursery, please contact the school office on (01977) 661127 or via email at  or complete the application form by following the link Application Form


Visits to our school are warmly welcomed and encouraged.