Class 1

Miss Nikkia Rand
Class Teacher
Mrs Steph Worth
Miss Jess Hale
Mrs Donna Jones
Miss Isobel Hardaker


Welcome to Class 1 - we are the Nursery and Reception children here at Kellington Primary School! In our class, we enjoy accessing areas of provision where we are inspired by planned learning themes as well as being led by the children’s interests. Through the opportunities we offer, we nurture the children’s holistic development, risk taking and foster a resilient approach to their learning.

In the Early Years, our curriculum is mapped out with key themed half terms and special weeks to inspire our children and widen their experiences of the world around them. These will include festivals and celebrations, traditional tales and our world.

Within our in class enhancements, we also provide learning opportunities which are led by the children’s interests and to support their individual developmental stages.

This year the Nursery and Reception children will be following the White Rose scheme for maths where we will cover a variety of foundational skills - such as number rhymes, number recognition, spotting patterns and deepening our understanding of numbers to 5, 10 and beyond.

For English, we will be following ‘Talk 4 Writing’ and ‘Magic of Story’ where we will be introduced to new books each week. These sessions will focus on vocabulary, story structure and how we can alter stories to make them our own.

Please see our website plans for more information for each half term’s coverage.

Homework (Reception Only) 

We set homework weekly on Tapestry and this will include:

  • Numbots - this is an online platform which promotes developing understanding of counting, place value and addition and subtraction. Through games, the children not only develop these skills but also build up their fluency when answering questions.
  • Phonics - Individualised phonics sheets and books, which are matched to the pupil’s level, will be sent home for children to practise their sounding out and blending of words. Please practise this with your child little and often - we recommend a daily 5 minute practice.
  • Reading for Pleasure - our children access our school library on a fortnightly rotation where they select a book that is appealing to them. They are not expected to read this book - this is for them to listen to, discuss with you and enjoy alongside any other books you may wish to share with them.
Reading (Reception Only)
  • Children in Reception read every day within their phonics lessons. They also access ‘Magic of Story’ sessions where they undertake a range of activities linking to a weekly text.
  • Reading of RWI phonics book daily (at home)- Please note this in your child's reading record with the date and a comment.
  • Reading for pleasure of books of their choice- adults can also read to children.
PE Days

Our PE day is Wednesday just for the Reception children.

Useful Websites

Here are a couple of websites we use with the children in their learning and in provision. These offer a range of videos to watch and activities to join in with to promote their phonics and maths skills.